Instagram: @tony.trichanh
T +33 7 60 40 03 96
Tony Trichanh is an independent photographer and videographer with a 12 years career spanning, having started in 2012. He pursued studies in graphic design at École Estienne in Paris and at the Arts Décoratifs HEAR in Strasbourg before launching his independent career. He has a broad range of experience in various forms of imagery, with a particular fondness for portrait and reportage photography. He likes capturing moments and subjects in their most natural and genuine form, which is reflected in his love for using natural light.
Action contre la Faim, Bellastock, Le Cherche-Midi Éditeur, CL Design, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Éditis, HEAR Strasbourg, Index Ventures, Lalique, MAC VAL, Mothaiba, Pigment, Saint-Louis, Secours Populaire, Shine, Société Générale, Steinway & Sons, ...